I think that most of the problems are solved. Changing the steps in a sweep helped a lot. Now it can be alligned. It is a bit time consuming because of the compile/flash cycle.I did a quick calibration. results look good for small spans.
Some problems.
-X signal for scope is not lineair. For low voltages the capacitor value seems to be different.I had this problem with the VCO signal as well . The solution was to use a different electrolytic capacitor. I'll try to change the capacitor tonight.
-Sometimes software seems to crash.
-Compensation for the loss the filter causes must be improved. I need to multiply by 1.05. I can not do that in 16 bit integers. I could multiply by 105 then divide by 100. Unfortunately 105*my max value does not fit in 16 bit. So I need to convert to 32 bit, do the multipilication then convert back.
By the way source code will be available when it is finished.
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